From Inside Golf Magazine
The Goldfields Golf Club is currently trialing a school-based golf program, The Goldfields Golf Club – Primary School (Pilot) Program. Promoting golf within schools is an area the Club has not previously been involved, mainly due to coach availability. The Club has 15 accredited Level 1 Community Coaches, however all work fulltime which limits their ability to attend schools.
With assistance of the WA Golf Foundation, the Club has been able to purchase SNAG Golf Equipment and provide Level 1 Community Coaching Accreditation for several Primary School Teachers.
The main goals of the program are to expose lower primary school students (6 to 8 years old) to golf, hoping golf becomes their sport of choice; provide level 1 coaching accreditation to school PE teachers to deliver SNAG Golf; encourage primary schools to add golf to their school sport curriculum; provide a pathway for lower primary school students to school based and club based MyGolf Programs and to grow the GGC junior golf program.
Mark Baroni, GGC Junior Coordinator said “The Club decided on the SNAG Equipment due to ease of setting up lessons using the variety of targets and aids that are available. The equipment is also a bit quirky and colourful which grabs the children’s attention. The children of St Joseph’s and East Kalgoorlie Primary Schools are enjoying their introduction to Golf”.
“The program would not be possible without the assistance from both the WA Golf Foundation and GolfWA and we are very grateful for the support. At the end of the year we will evaluate the program and decide the feasibility of expanding into further schools in the Goldfields.”